Artemisia – Wormwood

Botanical Name: Artemisia “Powis Castle”
Category: sub-shrub
Divisible: No
Common Name: Wormwood
Evergreen: Yes
Propagation: Cutting
Family: Asteraceae (Sunflowers)
Invasive: Can be – see below
Size: 30″ tall x 36″ wide
It has a mounded habit, is drought tolerant and grows vigorously. It can handle full sun and likes a sandy soil. Topped with small, pale yellow flowers in late summer, these are a non-event and should be cut back. Touch the leaves and a wonderful aroma is released.

Some suggest planting this at the front of the border however I find it more effective midway or toward the back. It’s height while still short is mounded and can easily block more delicate flowers. It also develops a gnarly root structure through which the plant will spread but can also be extremely difficult to remove and forget about trying to transplant.
This plant looks so good throughout the winter that you will tempted to leave it alone. Don’t! You must cut this back in early spring to reveal the new growth underneath or by mid to late summer it will look sad and dying.
If you wish to keep it contained look for runner branches at the bottom that will easily root and before you know it your Artemisia is taken way more than its share of space! When cutting back follow long top stems as deeply into the plant as you can and cut. As you do this you will see all of the new growth underneath.